Sociail Works Guide


This Guide brings together in a single document the rules and procedures relating to the operation of the Social Works and the granting of social benefits that the company makes available to its employees and pensioners. It is divided into two parts, the first with information on the Social Works system and its Assistance Centre, and the second on the social benefits in force at the company.


    1.1 – Objectives

    APDL's Social Works (OS) have the following fundamental objectives:

    • To ensure, under the terms of article 18 of Decree-Law no. 335/98, of 3 November, sickness support for its workers, active or retired, and their spouses and 1st degree dependents, under the specific conditions set out in this Guide;
    • Promote social support measures to protect the childhood, education and old age of its beneficiaries;
    • Contribute to improving working conditions, service provision and strengthening the Port of Leixões brand among the community and all those who work in the port area, implementing management initiatives that, without increasing costs, can contribute to the sustainability of the service itself.

    1.2 – Concepts

    For the purposes of this Guide, the following concepts are considered::

    • APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A.

    • Pensioner – former APDL worker, subscriber to the CGA.

    • Beneficiary – all the people enrolled in the Social Works (OS).

    • ADSE Beneficiary  – Beneficiary of the OS whose main health system is ADSE - Direção Geral de Proteção Social aos Funcionários e Agentes da Administração Pública..

    • SNS Beneficiary – Beneficiary of organisations whose main health system is the National Health System.

    • Beneficiary of Group Sickness Insurance – Workers in active employment, registered with the SNS and who benefit from the company's group sickness insurance.

    • Beneficiary-holder –APDL worker or pensioner, with the right to enrol in the Social Works, or their widowed spouse, who is responsible for all the acts or omissions of the beneficiaries in their household..

    • CA  - Social Works Assistance Centre

    • CGA – Caixa Geral de Aposentações

    • Descendants or equivalent – children, stepchildren, adoptees and guardians.

    • Direct Family – Spouses, parents, parents-in-law, descendants and similar, stepfather, stepmother, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, siblings, brothers-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, great-grandparents, great-grandchildren or people living in communion or housing with the beneficiary.

    • OS – Social Works

    • Other users – users who use CA's services privately and on the recommendation of other beneficiaries.

    • Worker – a natural person who has an employment contract with the APDL, regardless of the nature of their relationship.

    1.3 – General rules

    1. In their dealings with the OS, all beneficiaries must act with honesty, integrity and transparency, scrupulously respecting the rules and procedures in force.


    2. The practice of acts that contravene the regulations in force, depending on their nature and seriousness, to be ascertained through an administrative procedure, will lead to sanctions being imposed on the beneficiary, and the offender will always be obliged to compensate the company for the damage caused.


    3. The APDL may, at any time, demand confirmation of proof of beneficiary status.


    4. Failure by the beneficiary to comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph will suspend the award of benefits.


    5. All doubts and omissions arising from the application of the regulations in force will be assessed and resolved by the APDL Board of Directors, on a proposal from the Human Resources Department.



    1.4 - Types of Beneficiaries

    The beneficiaries of the Social Works are:

    • Active APDL workers;
    • APDL pensioners who are CGA subscribers;
    • The spouse or person living in a de facto union with the beneficiary for more than 2 years;
    • Descendants, or equivalent, in a situation that entitles them to the supplementary allowance, or until they reach 26 years of age, provided that they do not engage in any remunerated activity and are exclusively dependent on the beneficiary.

    1.5 – Termination of Beneficiary status

    1. Beneficiaries of the OS cease to be beneficiaries when one of the following conditions is met:

      a. Termination of the employment contract, except in the case of retirement of a worker registered with CGA and an ADSE beneficiary;
      b. Whenever the enrolment requirements of any family member cease to apply;
      c. During the period of suspension of the employment contract for disciplinary reasons or at the employee's request;
      d. At the request of the person concerned.


    2. The request to withdraw as a beneficiary, either for oneself or for a family member, must be made in writing by the beneficiary-holder, and will take effect on the 1st day of the month following that in which the withdrawal is communicated.


    3. Loss of beneficiary status implies

      a. Immediate and full settlement of any debts owed to the OS
      b. The return of the beneficiary card.

    1.6 – Maintenance of beneficiary status

    Spouses and children will retain the right to enjoy the benefits of the OS scheme, even after the death of the beneficiary-holder (CGA beneficiary), as long as they fulfil the conditions set out in point 1.4 of this Guide.

    1.7 - Duties of Beneficiaries

    1. Comply with the regulations in force;


    2. Report all situations of non-compliance or misuse of the system by any beneficiary;


    3. Communicate, within 15 days, any changes that may have an impact on their status as a beneficiary or their entitlement to benefits.



    1.8 - ENROLMENT

    1. The right to OS benefits is acquired once the beneficiary's status has been recognised and without retroactive effect.


    2. Beneficiaries can only apply to join the OS, either for themselves or for their family members.


    3. Beneficiaries' family members are enrolled in the OS on a separate form and on presentation of the documents deemed necessary to prove fulfilment of the requirements to be a beneficiary, as per point 1.4 of this Guide.

    1.9 – Re-enrolment

    1. The re-enrolment of beneficiaries who have requested cancellation of their enrolment can be done with the approval of the re-enrolment request by the Human Resources Department.


    2. Re-enrolment is authorised for children of the beneficiary-holder who, for whatever reason, no longer meet the conditions for this and subsequently acquire them again (e.g. children who take up temporary professional activity).


    3. Re-registration of widowed spouses of the beneficiary-holder who have requested cancellation of their registration is not permitted.

    1.10 – Social Works enrolment fee

    Beneficiaries who do not make any compulsory discount for any health subsystem will pay a monthly fee in accordance with the table approved by the APDL Board of Directors, as shown in Annex 1.

  • 2.1 -  Objective and Services of the Assistance Centre

    APDL has an Assistance Centre (AC) primarily designed to provide the following services:

    • Medical Consultations
    • Nursing Services
    • Minor Surgery – integrated within its nursing centre, the AC has dedicated facilities for performing minor surgical procedures. These are carried out by the doctors who work at the AC, and who bear full responsibility for their performance.
    • Sample Collection for Clinical Analysis – a daily collection point for clinical tests, with samples being collected directly by laboratories of recognised technical expertise.
    • Advice for Beneficiaries – offering guidance to beneficiaries within the scope of the clinical services provided.

    2.2 – Who Can Use the Services of the Assistance Centre

    The following groups are eligible to use the services of the Assistance Centre:

    a) Beneficiaries of the Social Services and their immediate family members.

    b) Employees of concessionary companies at the Port of Leixões, contracted with APDL, and their immediate family members.

    c) Other users (individuals).

    2.3 – User Support Office

    The Assistance Centre includes a User Support Office, whose mission is to receive suggestions and complaints from users, as well as to provide information about the services, rights, and duties of users. It acts as a liaison between the OS management body and the users/community, with the aim of improving the quality of the services provided.

    2.4 - Price Tables for Services of the Assistance Centre

    Depending on the type of beneficiary, two pricing tables are in effect:

    • Table with values approved by the APDL Board of Directors, as outlined in Annex 2 of this Guide, for the beneficiaries listed under points a) and b) of section 2.2 of this guide.
    • Table agreed for each specialty, as outlined in Annex 3 of this Guide, for the users listed under point c) of section 2.2 of this guide.
    • The revision of these tables is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, upon proposal by the Human Resources Directorate.

    2.5 – Atatement of Responsibility

    • At the request of beneficiaries, and after prior assessment by the services, statements of responsibility can be issued for clinically prescribed situations related to:
      Clinical treatments
    • The issuance of the statement of responsibility and the respective service contributions are subject to the following rules:
      a. For ADSE beneficiaries, a statement of responsibility may be issued for hospitalisation in private hospitals within the ADSE network, to guarantee the beneficiary's co-payment for clinical expenses, hospitalisation, and treatments. The beneficiary will subsequently receive a 50% contribution towards the co-payment amount.

    b. For beneficiaries covered by the Group Health Insurance, a statement of responsibility may be issued. The full costs will be billed to the beneficiary.

    c. For SNS beneficiaries, a statement of responsibility may be issued for surgical procedures when the attending surgeon provides services at the AC. The costs are covered by the statement of responsibility according to the AC pricing tables. The expenses will then be billed to the beneficiary, who will benefit from a 70% contribution based on the maximum values of the AC pricing table.

    This scheme is exclusively applicable to beneficiaries who, as of 30 June 2009, transitioned from the Social Services private regime to ADSE.

    2.6 – Billing for Services Provided at the Assistance Centre

    Taking into consideration the type of beneficiary, as defined in point 2.2 of this Guide, the payment for services provided at the Assistance Centre (CA) is invoiced in accordance with the values stated in the tables in Annexes 2 and 3 of this Guide, under the following conditions:

    1. For ADSE beneficiaries, an invoice/receipt for the services provided is issued directly by the service provider, with the respective amount debited from the beneficiary’s current account, for subsequent payment in accordance with the rules established in point 3.2 of this Guide.
    2. For NHS beneficiaries, including those covered by the Group Health Insurance, an invoice/receipt is issued by APDL, with the respective amount debited from the beneficiary’s current account, for subsequent payment in accordance with the rules established in point 3.2 of this Guide.
    3. For users of the CA who are not beneficiaries of OS, an invoice or receipt will be issued directly by the service provider, for immediate payment.
  • 3.1 – Contributions and Reimbursements

    1. The contributions for services provided, whether at the Assistance Centre (CA) or externally, are based on the values defined in the approved OS tables.


    2. Contributions for hospitalisations, surgeries, and clinical treatments are defined in point 2.5 of this Guide.


    3. ADSE beneficiaries also have the following contributions:

      50% for consultations in Nutrition, Podiatry, and Psychology, based on the consultation fees at the CA.
      NHS beneficiaries have the following contributions:

      Clinical consultations, hospitalisations, dental care, and diagnostic tests at the CA – 70%
      Nutrition, Podiatry, and Psychology consultations and respective treatments – 50%
      Prosthetics and orthotics, thermal treatments, physical medicine and rehabilitation, haemodialysis, and transport – as per Annex 4 of this Guide.
      The price for minor surgery procedures has no contribution.


    4. For clinical services, hospitalisations, and medicines related to child health monitoring, in accordance with point 4.1 of this Guide, the contribution is 100% of the OS tables in force.


    5. The contribution for prescribed medicines is 50% of the remaining value after contributions from other health systems, for all schemes except for Health Insurance beneficiaries.


    6. To request reimbursements for services provided outside the CA, beneficiaries must present the receipt as proof of payment, with a description of the medical specialty, identification of the services provided, and the corresponding medical prescription when required.


    7. The tables for contributions and reimbursements are approved by the APDL Board of Directors, upon proposal from the Human Resources Department.

    3.2 – Current Account

    1. Beneficiaries of OS will have a current account where all expenses, payments made, and contributions received are recorded.

    2. The payment of the outstanding balance, calculated monthly, will be made in monthly instalments, in accordance with the rules set out in Annex 5 of this Guide.

    3. For the purposes of the previous point, the total gross monthly remuneration of the primary beneficiary, or the value of retirement or other pensions, will be considered. Holiday and Christmas allowances are excluded for the purposes of this calculation.

    4. ADSE or Group Health Insurance subscribers must submit to APDL all amounts received from ADSE or the Insurance as contributions for expenses covered by APDL that are still outstanding, particularly those related to the contributions mentioned in point 2.5 of this Guide..

    5. In the event of the primary beneficiary’s death, the debt amount will be calculated for transmission to the legal heirs, unless there is a spouse or registered children, in which case they will automatically assume the debt.

    6. APDL will issue monthly payment notices to the primary beneficiary's address, except in cases where payments are made through direct deduction from wages or pensions.

    7. Failure to pay three consecutive payment notices will result in the suspension of clinical services and the initiation of judicial collection procedures.

    8. APDL reserves the right to offset amounts owed in the beneficiary's current account against any reimbursements or subsidies to which the beneficiary may be entitled.

  • 4.1 – Child Monitoring

    1. The exceptional regime for child monitoring includes the following services provided to children, either descendants or equivalent, of the primary beneficiary registered with ADSE:

    Up to two years of age:

    • Medical and therapeutic consultations at the Assistance Centre;
    • Hospital care;
    • Diagnostic tests;
    • Nursing services;
    • Medicines (as per the list from the paediatrics department of the OS).

    From 24 months to 12 years of age, a biannual consultation, including a dental consultation.

    2. All expenses incurred under the previous point are covered at 100%, based on the values in the OS tables.

  • 5.1 –Social Benefits

    APDL has established a set of social benefits for all active employees, regardless of their contractual status, including members of the Board of Directors, and for retirees who are subscribers to CGA. These benefits are as follows:

    • Nursery and daycare allowance
    • Child allowance
    • Education allowance
    • Academic achievement awards

    5.2 – Nurseries and Daycare Centres

    1. APDL contributes to the costs related to nurseries, daycare centres, or other similar establishments for the descendants or equivalents of employees or CGA retirees, from the third month of age until enrolment in the 1st cycle of formal education, including simultaneous attendance at pre-primary education.

    2. This allowance is granted upon submission of the appropriate application and supporting documentation verifying the conditions for eligibility.

    3. The allowance is paid monthly, upon presentation of receipts proving the payment of the relevant fees, and must be requested by the end of the month following the expense.

    4. The allowance amount includes contributions towards enrolment fees, if applicable, and monthly fees, in accordance with the limits set out in Annex 6 of this Guide.

    5.3 – Child Allowance

    1. APDL provides a Child Allowance for all children or equivalents of employees or CGA retirees, up to the age of two. This allowance is paid monthly, and its value is specified in Annex 6 of this Guide.

    2. The granting of this allowance is dependent on the submission of the appropriate application and supporting documents verifying the conditions for eligibility.

    3. The allowance is paid monthly by crediting the beneficiary's account.

    5.4 – Education Allowance

    1. This is an annual financial benefit intended to help cover the costs associated with attending any level of formal education, at public or private institutions, whether national or in any European Union country. The amounts depend on the level of education being attended and are outlined in Annex 7 of this Guide.

    2. The following are eligible to receive the education allowance:

    a. Employees or CGA retirees who have descendants or equivalents attending any level of formal education, subject to the following age limits:

    • Under 16 years old, regardless of the level of education;
    • Between 16 and 18 years old, if enrolled in basic education, an equivalent course, or a higher level, or if attending a final-year internship necessary for obtaining their diploma;
    • Between 18 and 21 years old, if enrolled in secondary education or an equivalent course, or if attending a final-year internship necessary for obtaining their diploma;
    • Between 21 and 26 years old, if enrolled in higher education or an equivalent course, or if attending a final-year internship necessary for obtaining their diploma..

    b. Employees themselves, if they are covered by the working student status.

    2. The granting of this allowance depends on the submission of an appropriate application by 31st October of each calendar year, along with all supporting documents verifying the conditions for eligibility, particularly proof of school enrolment, as outlined in the following point.

    3. Proof of enrolment is provided annually by submitting a simple photocopy of the student's (updated) ID card or a document from the educational institution confirming their enrolment status. In cases where enrolment is not possible due to reasons beyond the beneficiary's control, a declaration from the educational institution confirming this must be submitted within the deadline for the application.

    4. The education allowance is paid annually in January and refers to the current academic year.

    5.5 – Increase

    The amounts set for the child support allowance, nursery and daycare allowance, and education allowance are increased by 25% in the case of single-parent families or situations where, demonstrably, only one spouse has any form of income, whether from work or other sources.

    5.6 – Academic Achievement Award

    1. This award consists of an annual financial amount granted from the 5th year of schooling onwards to the children or equivalents of employees, or to the employees themselves, as students of public or private formal education, whether in a national institution or any EU country.
    2. The value of the financial awards depends on the average grade obtained at the end of the school year, determined by applying standard rounding rules to the annual average grade, with rounding either to the nearest whole number or hundredth, depending on the criteria and values outlined in Annex 7 of this Guide.
    3. The academic award must be requested through an appropriate application and by submitting supporting documentation verifying the conditions for eligibility, within thirty days of receiving the final grades for the school year.
    4. This award may be combined with the education allowance.
  • 6.1 – Elderly Support Allowance

    APDL provides a monthly elderly support allowance, which can take one of the following forms:

    • Home care support by a third person
    • Support for nursing homes and retirement residences

    6.2 – Eligibility Conditions

    1. Support for the elderly, in any of the provided forms, will only be granted to beneficiaries of the OS under the NHS regime who apply for it on a co-payment basis, and whose total household income does not exceed the prevailing national minimum wage.
    2. Total household income is understood as the total earnings received by all members of the applicant’s household.
    3. Elderly support is granted from the first day of the month in which the application is approved, and payments are made on a monthly basis.

    6.3 - Home Care Support by a Third Person

    1. Home care support by a third person consists of the monitoring and assistance provided in the beneficiary's home by another individual. The beneficiary must identify the third person who will provide home care when applying for the allowance.

    2. If the home care is provided by a relative of the beneficiary (spouse, parent, or in-law), the allowance will only be granted if the relative has no paid professional activity.
    3. Home care support by a third person may be granted to beneficiaries who cumulatively meet the following conditions:

      a. Be 70 years of age or older;  

      b. Suffer from a permanent disability, confirmed by a detailed Medical Report, which necessitates the need for monitoring and assistance from a third person. Situations of disability attributed to third parties are excluded.
    4. The monthly contribution allocated for home care support by a third person is paid directly to the beneficiary, and the amount is specified in Annex 8 of this Guide.
    5. APDL reserves the right to request all supporting documents related to the situation claimed by the applicant, including the possibility of referring the applicant to a Medical Board.
    6. Whenever deemed necessary, particularly due to changes in the beneficiary's clinical condition or their socio-economic circumstances, proof of the continued eligibility for this financial support may be requested.

    6.4 – Support for Nursing Homes and Retirement Residences

    1. Beneficiaries who cumulatively meet the following conditions will be entitled to the allowance for nursing homes and retirement residences:

      a. Be 65 years of age or older;

      b. Be in a state of dependency characterized by the inability or significant difficulty, without the intervention of a third person, to meet the needs of daily living, namely personal hygiene, use of sanitary facilities, nutrition, clothing, and mobility.
    2. OThe beneficiary must present a Medical Report justifying their state of dependency and the necessity for admission to a nursing home or retirement residence, due to the need for constant monitoring and assistance from a third person.
    3. The Medical Report must be renewed annually or whenever requested by APDL, which may require any supporting documentation it deems appropriate.


    4. The monthly contribution allocated for support to nursing homes and retirement residences is defined in Annex 8 of this Guide. The contribution will be granted upon presentation of a receipt in the name of the beneficiary, indicating the relevant period.

  • 7.1 – General Rules

    1. Beneficiaries of any of the allowances are required to inform the OS of any changes to the conditions that justified the granting of the benefit; failure to do so may result in the obligation to repay any financial benefits received.


      Providing false information necessarily entails the repayment of any financial benefits received and may also lead to the suspension of benefits granted under the OS regime.


      The accumulation of financial benefits for the same purpose for the same beneficiary is not permitted, even if granted by different schemes, except in the case of the academic achievement award and the education allowance.


      All amounts for contributions, awards, allowances, or service price tables in this guide may be changed upon proposal by the Human Resources Department and subject to approval by the APDL Board of Directors.


      All questions and omissions arising from the application of the current regulations will be reviewed and resolved by the APDL Board of Directors upon proposal from the Human Resources Department.

  • Registration fee

    1. The registration fee for the Social Welfare Services follows these rules:
    Monthly income below the IAS Exempt
    Monthly income between 1 to 3 times the IAS, without a registered spouse 0,5 %
    Monthly income between 1 to 3 times the IAS, with a registered spouse 0,75 %
    Monthly income above 3 times the IAS, without a registered spouse 1,00 %
    Monthly income above 3 times the IAS, with a registered spouse 1,25 %

    IAS - Social Support Index
    The Social Support Index is used as a reference for various social benefits provided by the Portuguese State, with its current value being €443.20.

  • Price List of the Assistance Centre

    1. The prices for services at the Assistance Centre are as follows


    Type of Service Factors/ Price
    Hospital Surgery (a) C – 1,00 €
    K – 2,70 €
    Special Services C – 1,00 €
    K – 1,50 €
    Medical Consultations (b) 25,00 €
    Medium Treatment Room 35,00 €
    Small Treatment Room 15,00 €
    Podiatry Consultation 17,00 €
    Podiatry Treatments 20,00 €


    (a) For ADSE beneficiaries, the applicable price list is that of the ADSE Free Regime.
    (b) Does not include examinations.
    (c) Ophthalmology consultation with examinations: €50


    2. Nursing Services - The prices include materials, equipment, and nursing fees.
    Beneficiaries of the OS are exempt from paying for these services.


    TAto Price
    Injectable  IM 2,50 €
    Injectable  IV 3,50 €
    Soro /Med IV 18,00 €
    Blood Glucose Test 2,50 €
    Combur Test 2,50 €
    Small Dressing 5,00 €
    Medium Dressing 8,00 €
    Large Dressing 10,00 €
    ECG 5,00 €
    Nebulisation 10,00 €
    Immobilisation with zinc Bandage 17,00 €
    Immobilisation with Elastic Bandage/Hand 7,00 €
    Immobilisation with Elastic Bandage/Leg 15,00 €


    Covid Tests 10.00€

    Private Covid Test 15.00€



    3 - Dental Consultations and treatments 

    (Dental Medicine)


    1851 Dental-Odontological Consultation 8 1 25,00 € 30,00€ It will only be charged if no other medical procedure is performed. It must always be justified.
    1852 Restoration 14 3 32,00 € 39,00 € Includes all stages of execution
    38000004 Restoration with Retentive Means     10,00 € 12,00 € Pins, posts and similar items- each
    38000005 Polishing of Restoration     7,00 € 9,00 €  
    1854 Endodontics 14 3 45,00 € 54,00 € Inclui pulpetomia e obturação
    38000107 Topical Application of fluorides (per session)     16,00 € 19,00 €  
    38000109 Aplication of Composites for sealing (per tooth)     16,00 € 19,00 €  
    1855 Debridement 2 1 22,00 € 27,00 €  
    38010002 Subgingival Curettage without Surgery     25,00 € 30,00 €  
    1856 Gengivectomy 4 3 34,00 € 40,00 € By anterior or lateral block
    1857 Stabilisation of dental Pieces 4 3 30,00 € 35,00 €  
    1858 Tooth Extraction 14 3 27,00 € 32,00 €  
    1859 Extraction of Impacted Teeth 14 3 74,50 € 89,00 €  
    1861 Dental Reimplantation / Germectomy 14 3 45,00 € 54,00 €  
    1863 Dental Germ Transplant 14 3 50,00 € 60,00 €  
    1865 Apicoectomy 14 3 42,50 € 51,00 €  
    1866 Disinsertion and Lengthening of Lip Frenulum     42,50 € 51,00 €  
    1867 Excision of Gingival Folds 4 3 42,50 € 51,00 €  
    1868 Ablation of Dental/Periodontal Cyst 14 3 32,00 € 38,00 €  
    1869 Excision of Epulides  4   43,50 € 52,00 € Alveolar Ridge Hyperplasia
    1870 Excision of small Tumours 4   43,50 € 52,00 € Soft Tissues of the Oral Cavity
    1871 Curettage of Osteitis Focus 4 3 26,50 € 32,00 € Not Simultaneous with Tooth Extraction
    1872 Incision and Drainage of Abscess 14 3 26,00 € 31,00 € Dental Origin
    1876 Dental Radiography (Complementary Exam) 4 1 5,00 € 6,00 €  
    1877 Orthopantomography 1 1 20,00 € * Não se efetua * Só para reembolso
    1878 Orthodontics - Appliance Check 12 1 21,00 € Included in the price of appliance



    Acrylic Prosthesis for  1 Tooth

    4 3 60,00 € 65,00 €  
    2902 Acrylic Prosthesis for 2 Teeth 3 3 78,00 € 80,00 €  
    2903 Acrylic Prosthesis for 3 Teeth 3 3 93,00 € 95,00 €  
    2904 Acrylic Prosthesis for 4 Teeth 3 3 107,00 € 110,00 €  
    2905 Acrylic Prosthesis for 5 Teeth 3 3 118,00 € 120,00 €  
    2906 Acrylic Prosthesis for 6 Teeth 2 3 130,00 € 140,00 €  
    2907 Acrylic Prosthesis for 7 Teeth 2 3 142,00 € 150,00 €  
    2908 Acrylic Prosthesis for 8 Teeth 2 3 154,00 € 160,00 €  
    2909 Acrylic Prosthesis for 9 Teeth 2 3 162,00 € 170,00 €  
    2910 Acrylic Prosthesis for 10 Teeth 2 3 168,00 € 180,00 €  
    2911 Acrylic Prosthesis for 11 Teeth 2 3 174,00 € 190,00 €  
    2912 Acrylic Prosthesis for 12 Teeth 2 3 180,00 € 200,00 €  
    2913 Acrylic Prosthesis for 13 Teeth 2 3 186,00 € 215,00 €  
    2914 Acrylic Prosthesis for 14 Teeth 2 3 192,00 € 220,00 €  
    2915 Placa completa (superior e inferior) 1 3 360,00 € 440,00 €  
    2916 Skeletal Prosthesis for 1 Tooth 4 3 130,00 € 140,00 €  
    2917 Skeletal Prosthesis for 2 Teeth 3 3 160,00 € 180,00 €  
    2918 Skeletal Prosthesis for 3 Teeth 3 3 185,00 € 200,00 €  
    2919 Skeletal Prosthesis for 4 Teeth 3 3 205,00 € 220,00 €  
    2920 Skeletal Prosthesis for 5 Teeth 3 3 230,00 € 250,00 €  
    2921 Skeletal Prosthesis for 6 Teeth 2 3 270,00 € 290,00 €  
    2922 Skeletal Prosthesis for 7 Teeth 2 3 306,00 € 320,00 €  
    2923 Skeletal Prosthesis for 8 Teeth 2 3 334,00 € 350,00 €  
    2924 Skeletal Prosthesis for 9 Teeth 2 3 350,50 € 380,00 €  
    2925 Skeletal Prosthesis for 10 Teeth 2 3 368,00 € 400,00 €  
    2926 Skeletal Prosthesis for 11 Teeth 2 3 380,50 € 420,00 €  
    2927 Skeletal Prosthesis for 12 Teeth 2 3 391,00 € 450,00 €  
    2928 Skeletal Prosthesis for 13 Teeth 2 3 405,00 € 470,00 €  
    2929 Skeletal Prosthesis for 14 Teeth 2 3 420,00 € 500,00 €  
    38050301 Temporary Acrylic Crown     53,00 € 64,00 € No protésico, unitários ou pilares
    2930 Fixed Prosthesis - Crown and Post 5 3 315,00 € 370,00 € Elemento para ponte
    38050308 False Post     75,00 € 90,00 €  


    2931 Bar 5 3 46,70 € 56,00 €  
    2932 Repair 6 3 26,00 € 30,00 €  
    2933 Relining 5 3 54,10 € 65,00 €  
    2934 Add a tooth to acrylic prosthesis 5 3 30,00 € 35,00 €  
    2935 Add a tooth to acrylic prosthesis 5 3 19,50 € 24,00 €  
    2936 Hook 6 3 27,10 € 32,00 €  
    2937 Add a clasp plus one tooth in chrome-cobalt prosthesis 5 3 83,60 € 100,00 €  
    2938 Add an additional tooth to chrome-cobalt prost 5 3 31,80 € 38,00 €  
    2939 Occlusal Splint 4 3 78,80 € 95,00 €  
    2940 Fused occlusal face 4 3 30,00 € 35,00 €  
    2941 Orthodontics appliances 2 1 300,00 € By quotation (includes control consultations)
    38100001 Dental Implantology ** Perpetual 850,00 € Is not performed ** Only a maximum of 6 implants per patient is allowed.
    • 1. Only for Active Workers and Retirees, and its application depends on prior authorization.
      2. The request must be accompanied by a Clinical Report detailing the treatment, its justification, and identification of risk factors.

    4. Physiotherapy
    4.1 - Rules of co-payment

    • The acts listed in the following table will be co-paid when prescribed by Doctors. They are also co-paid when prescribed by specialized doctors and performed by a legally qualified technician.
    • The beneficiary must provide proof of this situation through the original specialized medical requisition.
    • The requesting doctor must identify the beneficiary and indicate:
      Type of treatment;
      Number of treatments;
      Expected duration for the treatments and their frequency.
    • The acts of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation must be performed by Physiatrists or Doctors within their specialties, or by legally qualified physiotherapists. There must be a match between the prescribed acts and the acts performed. For each of the treatments indicated in the following table, only one daily treatment per patient will be co-paid.
      When the table prescribes, for certain treatments, both local and general applications, and they are performed simultaneously, the co-payment will only be attributed for the amount allocated to the general treatment.
    • For each daily set of treatments, only up to 5 different treatments will be co-paid. In case this number is exceeded, only the five treatments performed that have the lowest valuation in the table will be co-paid. The prescriptions will be valid for a period of 1 month of treatment, after which a continuity report must be prepared.

    4.2 Prices Tables

    Code Designation APDL / ADSE Private
    90010005 Ultrasound 3,50 € 4,00 €
    90010006 Electrical stimulation of motor points (TENS) 3,50 € 4,00 €
    90030001 Cryotherapy 2,00 € 2,50 €
    90030002 Heat Moist 2,00 € 3,00 €
    90050002 Manual massage of 1 limb or region 4,00 € 5,00 €
    90050005 Vibro Massage 2,00 € 3,00 €
    90060003 Corrective postural kinesitherapy 4,00 € 5,00 €
    90060005 Manual muscle strengthening 4,00 € 5,00 €
    90060006 Joint Mobilization 3,50 € 4,00 €
    90060007 Special Techniques of kinesitherapy 5,00 € 5,50 €
    90060008 Balance and gait training 4,00 € 4,50 €
    90090003 Training for activities of daily living 4,00 € 5,00 €
    90090004 Occupational training 6,00 € 8,00 €
    90090006 Readaptation to effort with monitoring 7,50 € 8,00 €
    90100001 Spinal manipulation 10,00 € 11,00 €
    90100002 Limb manipulation 4,00 € 5,00 €
    90100007 Making functional bandages 9,50 € 10,00 €


  • Price Table for "Other Users"
    (users who are not beneficiaries or their family members, or who have protocols with the Social Services)

    1. Specialty Consultations



    • Consultation 50,00€


    • Consultation 50,00 €


    • Consultation 55,00 € 


    • Consultation 30,00 €


    • Consultation 40,00 €


    • Consultation 35,00€


    • Consultation 50,00 €


    • 1ª Consultation - 60,00 €
    • 2ª Consultation - 55,00 €


    • Consultation 50€


    • Consultation 70,00 €


    • 1.ª Consultation - 85,00 €
    • 2.ª Consultation - 75,00 €


    • 1.ª Consultation - 75,00 €
    • 2.ª Consultation - 60,00 €


    • 1.ª Consultation - 70,00 €
    • 2.ª Consultation - 60,00 €


    2. Others Services


    • 1.ª session - 65,00 €
    • 2.ª session - 45,00 €


    • 1.ª Consultation - 65,00 €
    • 2.ª Consultation - 45,00 €


    • For session 45,00 €


    • For session 35,00 €


    • For session 30,00 € 


    • 1.ª Consultation - 70,00 €
    • 2.ª Consultation - 60,00 €


    • individual - 35,00 € 
    • group: 1 X week - 40,00 € (monthly)
    •            2 X week - 50,00 € (monthly)
    •            single lesson - 12,00 €           


    • free assessment
    • Price list of services available at the counter


    • free assessment
    • Price list of services available at the counter


    2.The table for consultations and treatments in dentistry is available in Annex

    3.The table for nursing services is available in Annex 2. The

    4. table for physiotherapy services is available in Annex 2.

  • Other contributions for NHS beneficiaries

    1. Prostheses and Orthoses

    a) The contribution for prostheses and orthoses requires a medical prescription, indicating the diagnosis that justifies the prescription, along with a payment receipt detailing the services provided.

    b) The contribution amounts for ocular prostheses, as well as the respective acquisition conditions, have their own schedule and are as follows:

    • Ocular Prostheses

    Frames Lenses Contact Lenes
    70% of the cost, up to a maximum of €50. The validity period for ocular frames is 3 years.
    SNS 70% of the cost, up to a maximum of:

    Normal lenses – €40 per lens
    Bifocal or progressive lenses – €90 per lens

    SNS 70% of the cost, up to a maximum of:

    Rigid – €90
    Disposable – €175

    Note: Contributions for ocular prostheses (lenses) are limited to a period of 12 months, except in the following cases:

    • Beneficiaries who are children or equivalent under the age of 12.
    • Following ocular surgery, provided there is a prescription for a change in prescription and/or previous correction.

    c) The remaining prostheses and orthoses will have the following contributions for NHS beneficiaries:

    • Dental Prostheses – 70% of the value on the CA (Administrative Commission) table.
    • Hearing Aids – 70% of the cost. A consultation with three specialised firms is mandatory, and the contribution will be based on the lowest price, regardless of whether it is purchased or not.
    • Other Prostheses (e.g., belts, compression stockings, incontinence pads, orthopaedic footwear, etc.) – 70% of the lowest known cost. For incontinence pads, there is a limit of 4 packages per month.
    • Wheelchairs – 70% of the cost, with an annual limit of €200, upon presentation of a medical declaration.
    • Prosthesis Repair – 70% contribution of the amount paid.
    • Adjustable Beds – Subject to special authorisation.
    • Other correction and compensatory aids (e.g., colostomy, ostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy bags) – In accordance with the ADSE table, with a 70% contribution based on the ADSE table.

    2. Thermal Treatments

    • The need for thermal treatments must be justified by a medical prescription, specifying the thermal facility where the patient can undergo the treatments.


    • Thermal treatments must be carried out for a minimum uninterrupted period of 12 days and must take place in a thermal facility officially recognised by the competent authorities.


    • The contribution is 70% of the cost, with an annual limit of €75 (including registration and consultation fees). The receipt confirming the expense must include the start and end dates of the treatment.

    3. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    • The need for physical medicine and rehabilitation treatments must be justified by a medical prescription, indicating the diagnosis, type of treatments, quantity or expected duration, and frequency of the treatments.


    • Only treatments performed by specialist doctors or legally certified physiotherapists working under medical supervision are eligible for a 70% contribution.


    • The contribution for these treatments follows a specific schedule, with only 1 treatment covered per day, up to a maximum of 4 different treatments. Prescriptions for these treatments are valid for a treatment period of 1 month, after which a continuation report must be submitted.

      o o qual deve ser apresentado um relatório de continuidade.

    4. Haemodialysis

    • All haemodialysis treatments must be supported by a medical prescription, duly justified, and submitted for review by the health services.


    • Expenses for pre-authorised haemodialysis treatments carried out in private hospitals will be covered at 100%, with a maximum limit set by the Ministry of Health for the NHS.

    a) The contribution towards transport expenses is made with proof of the necessity for ambulance transport, through a medical declaration.

    b) The contribution is 70% of the cost of patient transport by ambulance when the beneficiary meets one of the following conditions:

    • Requiring hospital care in inpatient settings, surgical intervention, or emergency care;

    • Patient with chronic renal failure (Resolution No. 304 of 06/12/2002);

    • Patient undergoing treatment for:
      Cobalt therapy or similar;

    5. Haemophilia or amyloidosis, when receiving healthcare.

    c) In duly justified cases, as outlined above, the contribution for transport expenses by a hired vehicle (taxi) may be authorised as a substitute for an ambulance.

    6. Clinical services, recognised as such but not listed in the official schedule, will be reviewed and decided by the APDL Board of Directors.

  • Monthly Payment of Current Account

    Payment for services provided through the Health Services is made via debit to the beneficiary’s current account. The debt is amortised by applying the percentages set out in the following table, based on the employee's gross salary or retirement pension:

    Debts up to €997.60 – monthly deduction of 4%
    Debts from €997.61 to €2,493.99 – monthly deduction of 7%
    Debts from €2,494.00 to €4,987.98 – monthly deduction of 10%
    Debts over €4,987.99 – monthly deduction of 12%

    Note: If the pension is less than 1.5 times the National Minimum Wage, the 4% rate applies, regardless of the debt amount.

  • Nursery and Kindergarten

    Payment of the subsidy for nurseries and kindergartens is made upon presentation of receipts proving the payment of the respective monthly fees, and must be requested by the end of the month following the one to which it relates.

    The subsidy for nurseries and kindergartens is processed monthly and includes the contribution towards the registration fee, if applicable, and the monthly fees, according to the limits set out in the following table:

    Registration – 80% of the cost, up to a maximum of €95.00
    Monthly Fee – 80% of the cost, up to a maximum of €60.00

    Child Subsidy

    The payment of the child subsidy, granted until the age of 2, is processed monthly and is set at €50 per month.

  • Study Subsidy and School Award

    1. Study Subsidy

    The application for the study subsidy must be submitted by October 31 and is processed annually in January, covering the current academic year.

    The amount of the study subsidy depends on the educational level attended, with the amounts defined in the following table.

    Courses Values
    Basic Education  
    1º ao 4º grade 65 €
    5º e 6º grade 160 €
    7º ao 9º grade 170 €
    Secundary Education  
    10º ao 12º grade 190 €
    Higer Education 320 €


    2. School Awards

    The amount of the award depends on the grade achieved at the end of the school year, determined by applying mathematical rounding rules to the annual academic average. This takes into account, as applicable, rounding to the nearest whole number or to the hundredth, according to the values defined in the following table.

    Classification Basic Education
    5º ao 9º Ano
    Secundary Education
    10º ao 12º Ano
    Higer Education
    14 a 15 ou 3,5 a 4 75 € 90 € 125 €
    16 a 17 ou 4,01 a 4,49  120 € 140 € 180 €
    18 a 20 ou 4,5 a 5 170 € 200 € 290 €


    The school award must be requested within thirty days of receiving the respective classification.

  • Support for the Elderly

    The APDL establishes a monthly subsidy for elderly support for beneficiaries of the Health Services under the NHS regime, on a contribution basis, which covers the following modalities:

    a) Home Support from a Third Party
    The monthly contribution allocated for home support from a third party is €5 per day. This fixed amount is paid directly to the beneficiary.

    b) Support for Nursing Homes and Rest Homes
    The contribution allocated for support to nursing homes and rest homes is €10 per day. This contribution is paid monthly and will be granted upon presentation of a receipt in the name of the beneficiary, indicating the relevant period.