Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine is dedicated to the diagnosis and guidance of non-surgical therapy for organ and system diseases or multisystem disorders.


  • Areas of activity:

    The main areas of intervention are diabetes and obesity counselling. Since 2014, she has been particularly dedicated to reversing Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity through a global therapeutic approach based on 3 main pillars: Lifestyle; Low carb diet and pharmacological therapy.

    His main areas of interest are Clinical Cardiology, Echocardiography and Nuclear Cardiology.


    Graduated in Medicine from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (University of Porto).

    He specialised in Internal Medicine at the Pedro Hispano Hospital (Matosinhos) and Anti-Aging Medicine at the Hertogue Medical School (Brussels).

    He has a postgraduate qualification in Clinical Nutrition (Cognos - Formação e Desenvolvimento Pessoal) and a PhD in Clinical Research and Health Services from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.